Warrior 1 Yoga Pose for Strength with the Chair

Warrior postures are good for you because they help you feel strong by building strength in your body. But sometimes they are intimidating to do standing because of the balance and strength required.

Traditionally in a warrior, you would have one foot forward and one foot back, standing tall and low in the front leg. But that does require balance and stability.  You can take the same posture and do it from a chair.

When practicing warrior one from the chair, the position is the same with one leg forward and one leg back but you have the chair underneath of you.  You can vary the back leg to suit your comfort – it can be extended or bent.  Find what feels good to you.

The key is to feel the energy pressing down through the feet as you lift up through the crown of the head to build that strength just like you would in a standing warrior 1. But in this variation, you have the security of the chair.

I want you to try it. It's a fun variation and in a lot of ways can challenge us more than the standing warrior one.

Notice how strong and powerful you feel in the pose.