I’d love for you to meet my family and get to know them a little better. So much of my story is their story.


Family Photos


This video is a home video trailer of my parent’s legal wedding and celebration on September 1, 2013.


This video is a home video from my college graduation on May 17, 1992. My dad made it to my sister’s wedding in June, my graduation in May, and then my dad died in June.


This video below is from a candid discussion from 2015 of 2 gay families that have been friends and celebrated Thanksgiving Day together for over 15 years. One of those families is my family. It was recorded soon after my parents and the other couple in the video were able to legally marry. We always knew our story was important and so this meaningful and notable occasion prompted this discussion and recording.

This discussion happened before my book was even a thought. Many of the same stories in my book are told first hand by me and my family. And others are brand new stories you’ll get to hear.

After I produced the video, we all wondered, “Now what?” We had the video but didn’t know how to share it. It felt too personal and public to share on social media. We were all still so hesitant to speak about our families.

Now, since publishing my book, it only makes sense to share it. I hope it offers you a window in to my family, a better understanding of what it was like for us all, and compassion for the shame and the secrets we are only now ready to share.