“Yoga is not for the flexible… it’s for the willing.”

This is one of my favorite quotes. And in this moment it definitely describes YOU! You are willing to try something new. Perhaps you’re trying yoga for the first time and perhaps you’re taking a class with me for the first time. Whatever the reason you’re here, I want to say CONGRATULATIONS.

This gives you a chance to not only try yoga but to learn about me and my teaching style. All without any commitment or obligation. Free classes are available online or in person when offered.

If you already know this is for you, if you already know we’re a match, and you’re ready to jump right in with both feet, click the button below to go straight to information about unlimited yoga memberships and sign up other options.

To take your FREE CLASS follow these easy steps.

  1. SIGN UP - Choose from the list of classes below that you’d like to take and click on the black “Sign Up” button.

    *Note that for each class there is both an In Person and an Online Zoom class option available. Please be sure to pick the one you want to take.

    *Beach Yoga and YogaWalks are ineligible for a free trial class. The coupon code will not work for these classes.

  2. ENTER INFO - Complete the info form with your name, Client Questionnaire, and Informed Consent/Release of Liability/Waiver that appear on the screen.

  3. ENTER CODE - Scroll to the bottom of the page. Click on the box that reads “CLICK HERE TO USE A PACKAGE ALREADY PURCHASED”. It will ask you to enter a code or email. Enter the coupon code “FREECLASS” and hit apply.

  4. FINISH - Click the box that reads “Complete Appointment.”

  5. GET CONFIRMATION - On the screen will be a confirmation. You will also receive an email confirmation and reminders prior to your class. For online classes, the emails will include the link to log in with zoom

    *To make life easier in the future, I recommend registering for an account by clicking on that box to save your information for future interactions.

    *Only new students are eligible for this offer and may only be used once.

You’re all set!

If signing up online for your free class is not your thing, contact me directly at 386-243-0440 and I’ll get you set up for your free class.