Meditation for Peace

Here's a short, easy meditation you can do anywhere at any time. It can help you reduce stress and anxiety, fear and sadness, and instead fill you with peace, hope, and love.

Here’s an easy meditation that you can do at any time and pretty much anywhere. It can be done with your eyes closed or your eyes open. It can be done in a group of people or all by yourself.

Simply take a deep breath in and as you breathe in you repeat to yourself in your mind “love”. And when you exhale you repeat in your own mind the word “peace”.

Inhale love, exhale peace.

Feel free to let these word words evolve. Maybe you inhale peace and you exhale calm. Maybe you inhale hope and exhale love. The possibilities are endless. Inhale and exhale whatever feels good to you, whatever you need in that moment.

This is a great meditation technique to ground yourself, to center yourself, to help you feel connected to yourself. It’s a great practice when you’re feeling overwhelmed or hopeless. It’s great to practice when you’re feeling a little out of your control.

Sometimes you can have these feelings about your own life and you can also have these feelings about the world. Regardless of where it’s coming from or what you need, this practice will help you to be mindful.

I invite you to slow down, take a moment, inhale love and exhale peace. Take as much time as you need. Keep repeating this practice until you feel better.