Yoga for Balance in Life

Yoga for balance is about finding balance both on and off your yoga mat. In this video of my Mindful Monday Series, I share the concept of finding balance between effort and ease and how it can support you in your life.

In yoga practice, there's this concept of finding balance between effort and ease.

This is so important on our mat because it's so important off our mat.

Imagine being in mountain pose - tadasana. When you root down through your feet and lift up through the top of the head, you're finding strength and power but there's also a gentleness and an ease in the rest of the body.

If you're sitting down in a chair to do Mountain pose, same thing. You're rooting down to rise up at the same time you're keeping the rest of the body really gentle and easy.

This is an important concept to practice on your mat so that when things come up in your life, you can work at finding that balance between effort and ease, push and pull, struggle and joy.

Next time you’re holding a pose, just notice this balance. And the next time you’re in the middle of a challenge in your life, just notice this balance.