Honor others by living a mindful life.

This Mindful Monday is happening on Memorial Day.

I really feel like one of the best ways we can honor those that have given their lives in sacrifice for us to be free is to live a mindful life.

I live on the water and every morning I get to wake up to an incredible view and see the sun rise and set from my backyard. And I have the ability to do that because of others who have given their life which affords me the opportunity to live such a free and joyful life.

I encourage you on this Memorial Day to take time to be mindful. It is a time to celebrate summer and that's kind of what it's become for us. But at its root Memorial Day is about honoring those that have lost their lives.

I encourage you to take a moment today to be mindful and to be grateful. Because when you can live a mindful life, you can truly honor and appreciate and feel gratitude for those who have gave their lives for you.