Yoga for a Bad Back

This posture is a wonderful stretch that's great to do either first thing in the morning or last thing before you go to sleep at night. OR BOTH! Whenever your back feels a little stiff and sore, take some time in this posture and you’re back will feel better.

You can do this posture from the floor or you can do it from your bed.

Simply come onto your back and bring one knee into your chest while the other leg is relaxed on the floor. This can really help to lengthen your spine and more specifically lengthen your low back.

It also creates a great stretch for your hip flexor and your thigh.

You want to try to keep the neck as long as you can so if you find your chin jutting up to the ceiling, try using a support underneath your head. You could try a small pillow or if you’re on a yoga mat you could roll up the end of the mat. Try to avoid keeping that chin all the way up to prevent getting a kink in your neck.

As you bring the knee into the chest take some deep breaths. Relax your face. Relax your shoulders. Relax your toes. And relax your feet and toes. Enjoy stretching and opening and lengthening through your back.

Be sure to switch sides!