"Gratitude is putting your head in the sand." Or is it?

"Gratitude is putting your head in the sand." Or is it?

I'm a big advocate of a gratitude practice.

I ask students to express gratitude at the end of every single one of my classes. It's one of the first tools I suggest when friends consult with me about life challenges. I personally try to always operate from a place of gratitude.

I really believe it's at the root of how to live a healthy, balanced, and joyful life.

So I was surprised when someone close to me challenged this practice suggesting that expressing gratitude was just ignoring what's really going on in the world.

Do you honor your commitments? How about to yourself?

Do you honor your commitments?  How about to yourself?

A few days ago I woke up tired and unmotivated. I've been struggling ever since the time change. I wake up to my alarm not at all ready to get out of bed. And yet, I have a morning routine that I am committed to. If I don't get up in the next few minutes I won't have time for my morning meditation, gratitude list, or cardio exercise.

This particular morning, I laid there having an ongoing conversation with myself. My tired self was lamenting about how tired I was and how much I deserved to stay in bed a little longer. I was convincing myself that at this point, I wouldn't even have enough time to do all of my morning routine anyway.

Practice Yoga at Home During Quarantine in Under 15 Minutes

Practice Yoga at Home During Quarantine in Under 15 Minutes

We are all experiencing a new way of life. For over 6 months, Covid-19 has shut down most of our public spaces and forced most of us to spend a lot more time at home then we are used to. Many of us now have no choice but to work from home. And many of our youth are now required to study from home. And even as states begin to reopen, many of us need to stay home in order to keep ourselves as well as others safe.

I Am Grateful and Yes I Am Scared

I Am Grateful and Yes I Am Scared

As a yoga teacher and a resource for guidance and comfort during this time I want to acknowledge all that each of us has to be grateful for and all the good that can come out of this unusual time. It is a time to remember how fortunate we are even if we are one of the hardest hit. And yet it is also important to acknowledge the fear and sadness that so many of us is experiencing.