
Savasana: Keeping Relaxation With You Throughout Your Day

Savasana: Keeping Relaxation With You Throughout Your Day

It's all too common to spring out of Savasana, eager to get on with the day. Maybe you’ve been there: you finally reach a state of deep relaxation, and then you jolt upright, tightening muscles as you go. Sure, this method gets you up quickly, but it also undoes the very relaxation you worked so hard to achieve. And, let’s be honest, it can feel a bit ironic to stress out your body right after a relaxation pose!

Savasana: Discovering True Rest and Relaxation

Savasana: Discovering True Rest and Relaxation

Savasana, often referred to as the “resting pose,” seems deceptively simple. After all, it’s just lying down, right? But anyone who's tried it knows that even in stillness, the body can hold onto tension. We often don’t realize that the subtle tightening of muscles or the closing off of our posture can prevent us from fully relaxing.