Savasana: Keeping Relaxation With You Throughout Your Day

Savasana is often seen as the ultimate relaxation pose, a moment of calm at the end of a yoga practice. But the true magic of Savasana (also known as Corpse pose) lies not just in the stillness experienced on the mat, but in how you carry that stillness into the rest of your day. The way you come out of Savasana can determine if you preserve that sense of calm—or lose it in the rush to get back to your routine.

It's all too common to spring out of Savasana, eager to get on with the day. Maybe you’ve been there: you’ve enjoyed a state of deep relaxation, and then you jolt upright, tightening muscles as you go. Sure, this method gets you up quickly, but it also undoes the very relaxation you worked so hard to achieve. And, let’s be honest, it’s a bit ironic to stress out your body right after a relaxation pose!

A more mindful exit can help you keep that Savasana serenity. The key is to move as if your body is fluid, like water, slowly and with intention. Instead of bolting up, roll gently to one side. Linger there for a few breaths, take the opportunity to practice gratitude, savoring the restfulness, and letting your muscles remain soft. When you're ready, extend your top leg, press your hands gently into the earth, and ease yourself up into a seated position. This transition, done with care, allows you to carry that sense of relaxation forward, instead of leaving it behind on the mat.

By taking your time to move slowly, you avoid the sudden tension that so often sneaks back in when you’re in a hurry. It’s a small shift, but one that can make a big difference in how you feel throughout the day.

If you've been following along with this Savasana series, this is the third and final installment. I hope these tips have deepened your practice, whether it's learning how to truly relax in Savasana or finding ways to carry that relaxation with you.

So, this week, give it a try. Take your time transitioning out of Savasana and see how it changes your day. You might just find that what happens after the pose is as important as the pose itself. Notice if you feel more relaxed, more grounded, and maybe even just a bit more calm.

And if you’re ready to explore more, try a free online yoga class! Enhance your practice, experience relaxation, and feel the power of Savasana.


*This is the last blog in a 3-part series. Click here to read Part 2.