Savasana: Discovering True Rest and Relaxation

Savasana, often referred to as the “resting pose,” seems deceptively simple. After all, it’s just lying down, right? But anyone who's tried it knows that even in stillness, the body can hold onto tension. We often don’t realize that the subtle tightening of muscles or the closing off of our posture can prevent us from fully relaxing.

Think about the last time you settled into Savasana. Were your arms pulled in close to your sides, legs rigid and straight? Were your shoulders creeping up towards your ears? It’s these small, often unnoticed habits that can keep you from experiencing the full benefits of this restorative pose.

The key to Savasana is space—both physically and mentally. When you spread your arms and legs a bit wider, soften your joints, and consciously release the tension from your muscles, the body begins to open. It's not about collapsing but about creating a sense of openness that invites a deeper state of rest. Each breath becomes easier, each muscle softer, and slowly, you feel yourself sinking into a state of quiet calm.

It’s in these small adjustments that the magic happens. By mindfully tweaking your posture, you can enhance your experience of relaxation, allowing both body and mind to fully let go. Sometimes, the hardest work in yoga isn’t in the challenging poses but in finding true ease when it's time to rest.

Next time you roll out your mat, take an extra moment to check in with your body during Savasana. Make those subtle shifts and feel the difference.

And if you're ready to explore this further, come try a free online yoga class! It’s the perfect way to refine your practice, deepen your relaxation, and discover just how transformative a well-executed Savasana can be.


*This is Part 2 of a 3 part series. Click here to read Part 1.