Today, let's talk about a practice that often gets overlooked—the art of self-massage. Imagine being able to gift yourself with relaxation and rejuvenation without needing to schedule an appointment or wait for someone else's availability. Sometimes, giving yourself a massage is not just a choice; it's a necessity.
Embracing Vulnerability to Create Space for Positivity
Here’s something worth pondering: What if embracing the parts that feel heavy could actually help you lighten the load? I'm here to reassure you that it’s okay to admit when life feels hard. It takes courage to be vulnerable, to acknowledge feelings of sadness, anger, or frustration. Allow yourself to feel those emotions fully and express them, whether that’s through talking with a friend, practicing gentle yoga or connecting with a trusted therapist. Then, when you are with the kids, in my case, you are lighter and more able to see their beautiful faces.
Embracing Expansion on the Yoga Mat and in Life
Ever found yourself in a rut, like you’re on autopilot, just coasting through your day? Expansion is a tool to help you move beyond what’s familiar to create an opportunity for growth. This concept of expansion can be practiced on the yoga mat as you explore stretching yourself in a pose and also in life as you explore the edges of your comfort zone.
Practice Being In the Present Moment: A Journey With Yoga
Have you ever truly stopped to wonder what it means to live in the present moment? We often hear about it in yoga classes—peace, love, and joy, and be in the now. But how often do we explore what this actually means in our daily lives? Or how to spend more moment “in the present moment?” Today, we’re diving into this concept and discovering how incorporating gentle yoga or chair yoga can help you relish the beauty of the present.
Self Care is Non-Negotiable: Your Personal Appointment with Wellbeing
As we gently step into the new year, I wanted to share a valuable tool that has really worked for me—something that could become a powerful and often missed step on your path to health and wellness.
Take a moment to imagine the importance you place on your doctor's appointments. You prioritize and plan around it because youy know it’s essential for our health. And to be sure you don’t miss it, I’d be willing to bet you write it down and mark it on your calendar.
Now, what if you began treating your self-care in the exact same way?
Start New Year Intentions Today - Don't Wait for the Holidays to Be Over
As we sit at the brink of Christmas, it's easy to defer our goals, whispering to ourselves, "I'll get to it after the holidays." It’s a familiar refrain—whether it's losing weight, eating healthier, or finally starting that gentle yoga practice. There's a comforting allure in waiting for a "perfect time," yet, more often than not, that time eludes us for far longer than we initially plan.
Finding Balance During the Holidays: A Mindful Approach to Self-Care
As December begins and the holiday season takes over, it’s easy to let your regular routines slip away. Suddenly, the things you do to feel your best—like moving your body, eating well, or practicing mindfulness—get pushed aside. You might think, It’s just for now. I’ll get back to it after the holidays.
Holding Your Seat: Embracing Commitment with Compassion & Strength
The Breath of Joy
Do you want to invite a little more joy into your day? Maybe feel some lightness or energy that doesn’t require an extra cup of coffee? Well, there's a practice for that—it’s called the Breath of Joy. Now, I know what you’re thinking: "Breathing? To feel better? Really?" Yes, really. Bear with me here.
Take Back Control: Turn Off Notifications, Reclaim Your Focus
Have you ever noticed how those little notifications on your phone seem to pull you in, even when you don’t want them to? The pings, vibrations, and screen lights seem harmless, but they steal your focus, making it hard to stay engaged with what really matters. Even with the sound off, that subtle glow is enough to break your concentration.
Savasana: Keeping Relaxation With You Throughout Your Day
It's all too common to spring out of Savasana, eager to get on with the day. Maybe you’ve been there: you finally reach a state of deep relaxation, and then you jolt upright, tightening muscles as you go. Sure, this method gets you up quickly, but it also undoes the very relaxation you worked so hard to achieve. And, let’s be honest, it can feel a bit ironic to stress out your body right after a relaxation pose!
Breathing Practice for Peace and Calm
Have you ever noticed how your body reacts to stress? Maybe your breath becomes quick and shallow, or you feel tightness in your chest. These subtle signs are easy to overlook, but they matter. The way you breathe directly affects how you feel. By making small adjustments, you can shift your emotional and mental state.
Release Everyday Tension in Minutes
Do you ever catch yourself feeling tense and tight in your upper body, especially around your neck and shoulders? If you're anything like me, it happens more often than you'd like. That nagging tension can make even the simplest tasks feel painful. But don't worry, I've got a simple and effective tip to help release that physical tension and bring you some much-needed relief.
Choose Your Thoughts Like Your Clothes
I recently came across a reel on social media that truly resonated with me. It featured a clip from the movie Eat, Pray, Love, where someone advises the main character, played by Julia Roberts, to choose her thoughts every day, just like she chooses her clothes. This simple yet profound idea can transform your daily life and overall well-being…
A Self-Love Practice: Saying "I Love You
When I was a teenager, my dad took me to a self-help conference. I had no idea what to expect, and the keynote speaker challenged everyone to go to the bathroom during the next break, look in the mirror, and say, "I love you." At the break, I did as she suggested. Standing in front of the mirror, I tried to say those three simple words but couldn't. Instead, I wept, realizing for the first time how difficult it was for me to express love for myself. This profound moment stayed with me…