Breathing Practice for Peace and Calm

Have you ever noticed how your body reacts to stress? Maybe your breath becomes quick and shallow, or you feel tightness in your chest. These subtle signs are easy to overlook, but they matter. The way you breathe directly affects how you feel. By making small adjustments, you can shift your emotional and mental state.

One of the most powerful tools you have is your breath. I often say in my classes, "When you change the way you breathe, you change the way you feel." This isn’t just a comforting thought—it’s something I’ve seen transform many lives, including my own.

When you’re stressed or anxious, your breathing becomes shallow and fast. But when you’re calm, your breath naturally slows and deepens. What’s amazing is that you can reverse this. By slowing and deepening your breath, you can shift from anxiety to calm.

Try this simple practice to manage stress. Begin by breathing in deeply through your nose, filling your lungs completely. As you do, notice any tension in your body—your shoulders, jaw, or chest. Let it be there without trying to force it away. Then, slowly exhale through your mouth, releasing that tension. With each exhale, imagine letting go of the stress you’re holding onto. After a few rounds of deep breathing, pause and observe how you feel. You may notice a sense of lightness or calm, even if it’s subtle.

This practice can be especially useful during moments of high stress. Whether you’re overwhelmed with errands and appointments or anxious during a busy day, taking just a few breaths like this can bring a sense of ease and clarity.

Your breath is always with you, ready to offer calm and balance when you need it most. By paying attention to how you breathe and making small adjustments, you can truly change the way you feel. Try it this week and notice the difference it makes in your day.
