Simple Chair Yoga Pose for Upper Body Freedom

As a yoga teacher, one of the things I cherish most is helping my students find ease and comfort in their practice. We all have unique bodies, and modifications can make a world of difference in how a pose feels. A few weeks ago, I shared a chest-opening pose using a strap in yoga mudra, which is incredibly powerful. But I also know that for some, it can feel a bit intense. That's why I’m excited to share a gentler variation that I’ve come to love—an accessible way to achieve that same sense of openness and freedom in your upper body, using a chair.

To get started, find a comfortable seat on a sturdy chair. Sit close to the front edge of the seat and place your hands behind you. Hold on to the outside edges of the seat back of the chair. As you press your chest forward and gently squeeze your shoulder blades together, you’ll feel your chest begin to lift naturally. There’s no rush—allow your body to open slowly, as much as feels right for you. You can play with the intensity here—lifting your hands higher if you want a deeper stretch or lowering them if you're looking for something softer. Either way, this movement provides a beautiful release through the chest and shoulders.

This variation is particularly helpful if you’ve ever struggled with shoulder injuries or if the full yoga mudra just feels like too much. I love how this modification allows you to enjoy the same freeing sensation in your upper body without overstretching or straining your shoulders. It’s a perfect reminder that yoga is not about forcing ourselves into a pose but about listening to what our bodies need in each moment.

In fact, I have a viewer to thank for sharing this variation with me. It’s always inspiring when my students and community members offer new perspectives and ideas that I can pass along to you. It’s a testament to how our practice is constantly evolving together.

So, I invite you to give this chair variation a try. Take a few deep breaths, allow your chest to open, and feel the gentle release through your upper body. Let this pose serve as a reminder that yoga is about finding freedom, ease, and joy in each movement—no matter what form that takes for you.
