Strengthen Your Core and Flexibility With Bridge Pose

Bridge Pose, or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana in Sanskrit, is a very accessible pose that offers a variety of significant benefits. Think of it as a prep position for a full wheel, but without the intimidating backbend. Many of us stop at lifting our hips, but there's a deeper experience waiting. This pose can elevate your practice, allowing you to feel both grounded and open. In today’s blog, we’ll discover how to do it.

To start, lie on your back and bend your knees, keeping your feet hip-width apart. Now, press your feet into the earth and lift your hips up towards the sky. And then take it one step further.  Instead of JUST lifting your hips, focus on also lifting your chest as well. Imagine transforming from a simple plank into a grand arch.

For an even bigger lift and a deeper stretch, bring your shoulders underneath your body and clasp your hands together behind your back. Feel your chest open even more and your core fully engaged.

To ensure the legs and core are activated, grab a yoga block and place it between your knees. Squeeze the block as you lift, keeping everything in alignment. Remember, feet should be hip-width apart, as if you're standing in Mountain Pose.

Bridge Pose offers fantastic benefits, strengthening your core and expanding your chest. It’s like giving your body a reset button, counteracting all that time spent hunched over screens or performing daily tasks. Plus, there’s something empowering about creating that beautiful arch and knowing you did it!

Adding Bridge Pose to your routine can boost your confidence and bring a sense of accomplishment. You might even find yourself smiling as you lift into the pose. It's a reminder that yoga isn’t just about perfecting the pose but enjoying the journey and celebrating the little victories along the way.

So next time you roll out your mat, give Bridge Pose a try. Lift your hips, engage your core, open your chest, and embrace the feeling of strength and openness.
